Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Stitching Post (Gasp!!) With Info on a Giveaway

Lest you think I've just been playing around in the garden and spending lots of time watching Kitty Rescue Center Reality TV (which is addicting if you're a kitty lover), I have proof that I've not been consumed by either of those things.

First up is "Blessed are the Merciful" from LHN. I am determined to finish this by the weekend. I just have the wording and the little flowers to finish around the border.

Next up is the Sampler Daze exchange piece I stitched for Judith. It's Bluebirds and Daisies from Blue Ribbon Designs and stitched with the called for Crescent Colours fibers. You can download the design from the Blue Ribbon Designs' Complimentary Chart page.

My friend, Jan, over at Tree of Life Samplings is previewing her newest design and having a giveaway! Hurry on over and check it out!

Mark's angiogram is tomorrow (Thursday). I'm praying for peace for both of us and a clear diagnosis of the problem with his heart. I'm also praying for no complications and a clear and easy fix for this problem. If you're the praying sort, I'd appreciate your prayers.


Mouse said...

well done on your stitching and fingers crossed all goes well for DH and you too :) love mouse xxxx

Anonymous said...

Blessed are the Merciful is looking great! Love your BRD finish for Judith!

Keeping you both in my thoughts and pryaers Thursday!


Kay said...

Love your stitching! I have been in a lhn type of mood lately with my finishes and then I pick up another design from them, the designs are just too adorable and simple to stitch up. Good luck to your husband, I hope all goes well.