Wednesday, November 24, 2010


The view behind/over the house across the street from me. I think the trees are especially vibrant this year.

The trees are in the full fall glory right now. This is the view from my front door looking across the street.

Blanketflower seedling amongst the fallen leaves of the neighbor's crape myrtle tree. I can't stand crape myrtles, but they do look pretty in the fall.

My coralberry plant finally put on all its leaves after we transplanted it. It has even produced some pretty hot pink berries that the birds seem to enjoy.

The oak tree in my backyard. I like watching the sun rise through the leaves in the mornings.

The final haul from our spring & summer garden. I sent most of the jalapenos to my brother in San Antonio via UPS. It took them less than 24 hours to get there and I sent it regular ground!

Hannah enjoys hanging out in the sunroom. I think the warmth of the sun is making her eyes sleepy. This is one of the few pics I have of her that accurately reflects her coloring.

Tumbles is maturing and learning to enjoy nice long naps. Don't you wish you could be comfortable while napping?

He's also getting jowls and chubby cheeks! He's just delightful and full of purrs and love for us, especially at feeding time.

Me and my best girl, Callie. She doesn't have alien eyes in real life!


Anonymous said...

Terrific pictures, Stef! I love your autumn shots! And what is not to love about those furbabies! I liked seeing your smiling face as well!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Karen said...

You took some nice nature pictures and the ones of your cats are adorable!

*-* said...

I agree Stephanie, the colours of the leaves are beautiful. The street scape is gorgeous.
I love those kitties what a sweet bunch.

Mylene said...

Great pictures and thanks for sharing your picture with Callie.