Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday Captions

This is Callie checking out the dripping water in the bathtub. She discovered the water dripping when we had to leave the taps dripping during the great freeze a couple of weeks ago. The only problem with this is that she LOVES running water. Now she thinks we should leave the water dripping just for her pleasure and enjoyment. She's not normally a very vocal kitty, but when she wants water and it's not dripping she's VERY mouthy! LOL I love this kitty!

Here's Hannah defending (& enjoying) her favorite new sunspot. She's very proud of herself for finding it and for fighting off the evil Callie who tried to usurp her coveted position in the sun.

This is the inside of one of the pumpkins I grew this fall. I was pulling out the guts in order to bake the fruit to eventually puree it. It kind of looks like some kind of thing you'd see in a cave.

These...these are my seed potatoes! Woot! We'll be potato farmers this year. There are 4 varieties in this box, 1/2 pound each of Kennebec (white), Red Norland (new potato/red potato), Purple Viking (purple skin, white inside), and Banana fingerlings (a gourmet white potato). We'll plant them on Valentine's Day. Should be an interesting experiment.


Annie Bee said...

Love your potatoes and pumpkin. Such lovely pics of your kitties.

Anonymous said...

Interesting -- seed potatoes look like the real thing! LOL

Callie and Hannah look like they are enjoying themselves!


Debbie said...

Callie and Hannah are AWESOME! Thanks for sharing their stories and pics with us! Happy Stitching!

Joyful said...


We are thinking of starting a garden this Spring as well. Potatoes sound like a low maintenance crop - quite curious how your experiment works out.
