Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Bushel & A Peck Won the Screaming Match

I decided to work on BAAP more so because I've already got one LHN in my rotation and sometimes too much of a good thing gets really boring. So in between making banana bread with the really,really ripe bananas sitting on my kitchen counter, taking a nap, then waking up to make dinner of taco soup & cornbread (yummy!), here's my progress. Tomorrow, I return to my exchange piece!

In other news, I have started a food blog. I felt like I was posting too many food posts here, so they have a new home. You can visit it by clicking on the link to In the Kitchen With Stephanie in the sidebar. I posted my Lemon Pound Cake recipe with pics this morning.


Suzanne said...

I like that Stephanie. We have really similar taste.


Laura said...

Bushel and a Peck looks fantastic! And you are so close to a finish.

I will certainly be a regular visitor to In the Kitchen with Stephanie. I love your recipes.

Suzanne said...

Hi Stpehanie,

I just checked out your food blog and I love it! The lemon pound cake recipe sounds like something my mom used to make only it was apricot flavored...we just called it apricot nectar cake, so who knows that the recipe was really called! LOL
