Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Give" Progress

Ended up not having much time to stitch Sunday on "Give" because I made these:

(You want one, I know. Would it help if I told you how yummy they are???)

I also had to break up this fight over the sunspot:

Since we've had such cold temps and had to fill the sunroom with plants, the kitties haven't been able to go out in the sunroom to bask in the sun. Comfortable, warm places to catch a few rays are in short supply, so Hannah improvised and created this spot. Callie decided she wanted to be in the spot, so a fight ensued. LOL

Then, I could sit down and stitch! Here's my progress:


Mylene said...

hmmmm...that looks yummy!!

You have made a very good progress on "Give".

Linda K's Stitching Corner said...

That is going to be so pretty...wow...I love this. Good Progress.

Your Rolls looks awfully Yummy...May I have one NOW?....LOL

Take care & Happy Stitching

Unknown said...

Yummy - I love seeing your Give.

Anonymous said...

Too funny about Callie and Hannah! Hope neither were hurt in the fight for the sunny spot!

Your rolls look awesome! I'll take a dozen!

Give is looking mighty awesome, Stef!


Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

I'll fight for a sun spot, too! We have way too few of them in Michigan. Your rolls look delicious and your Give is lovely!

Meari said...

Give looks nice, Stephanie.