My tomatoes are ready! I started these from seeds in early January and now they're big enough to be planted out, but that's a few weeks away yet. I have 25 tomato plants, but not all will go in the garden. Most will be given away or sold. We decided to grow the ones we had the most success with last year, so we have Pantano Romanesco, Homestead 24, and Large Cherry. We are also trying 1 new variety this year, Marmande. It's also time to plant our onions.
My husband is in the process of preparing the garden for planting the 4 bunches we ordered that have been sitting on our living room table for a month now. You see, as it figures, we ordered them to plant early, then we had 3 weeks of very freezing temperatures. Of course! That's the way it always goes, it seems. I'm just not one of those gardeners who likes to put too much effort into hoop houses and covering plants once they're planted. I'm sorta lazy that way. I hope there are enough onion starts still alive to plant when we get around to planting them!
During the cold weather we've experienced since December, I finished my first non-dishcloth crochet project. (Woot!) I crocheted myself a scarf to cover my head on those blustery days as well as to keep my ears and nose warm when I have to walk outside in the cold when the wind is blowing 40mph. Did you know that this part of Texas is located on the plains? Yep! We get more wind than The Windy City.
Full Length |
Stitch Detail |
I found the
Clamshell Stitch pattern online at Hailey's Helping Hands. I chose it because I could do the stitches and rather than running the length of the project, the stitches ran the width. I also chose it because I could work the pattern and the stitches were easy. I chose to do it in a solid color so I didn't have to worry about changing colors and I could make it whatever length I wanted and didn't really need to worry about counting rows. To make it long enough, I just draped it over me and decided if I liked the length! Again, I'm a lazy crocheter. I used a Vanna White yarn called "Berrylicious" and used almost 2 full skeins (balls). It's come in quite handy during the past couple of cold snaps.
I am still working at Amazon in the fulfillment center located 26 miles from way. Believe you me, I feel all the miles on the way home! The drive to work only takes about 30 mins on a good day. On a really good day, like Saturday, it takes less than that! The drive home can take anywhere from 45 mins. to an hour and a half, depending on traffic. The 4-day work week makes me pretty scarce Wed-Sat, but I enjoy the 3 days off. I am usually worn out by the end of my shift on Saturday, too.
I know I've not been around much since October, but I just didn't have anything to share. I've also been thinking on combining all my interests into one blog rather than separating them out. Due to my work schedule, it's difficult to write daily, so I'll probably only post once, maybe twice a week. Thank you for reading!