Monday, September 02, 2013

Getting My Mojo Back

Purple dishcloths for Merelee
It's been a rough couple of months for me, but things are starting to look up for me.  Since last November, things at work became increasingly more stressful and I finally ended up losing my job in mid-July.  Talk about having the rug pulled out from under you feet, that will do it!  I was also the only income earner in our family, so that was added stress.  Thankfully, hubby and I have some savings set back and are doing okay.  I have recently been offered a new job as well.  It's a seasonal position, but has the potential to become permanent.  I will start my new job in a couple of weeks. 

Because I've had a lot of time on my hands lately, and because my stress level is way down, I've picked up my needle again.  While I'd been crocheting several dishcloths, I think I have enough for about a year.  I even have given away many to friends!  My friend, Merelee, requested purple dishcloths.  I delivered these to her when we had lunch last week.  We spent 3 hours gabbing at the restaurant, which was so good for my soul.  She is such a sweet person.  I originally met her through her sister when her sister and I were in college together, but we became better acquainted when Merelee and I worked for the same company several years ago.

In mid-August, I bid farewell to a precious co-worker and her family.  They are moving back to Oklahoma (where their hearts are) because her husband took a job there.  He is called to work with grieving families and is a licensed funeral director.  He absolutely LOVES his job and he is so wonderful with those who've lost loved ones.  I had the honor to take my friend and her son dinner one night as they were packing to leave.  I took along several dishcloths from my stash as a going away/housewarming gift when I delivered her meal. 

Since I've got plenty of dishcloths for now, I've picked my stitching needle up once again.  Taking a sabbatical from stitching isn't new to me.  I also took a break when I was studying for my Master's degree.  Studying and working somehow took precedence!  Last week, I finished up this cute little project, just in time for Labor Day. 

This is 4th of July Quaker Style 2011 from AuryTM.  It is available as a free download on her website.  Each year since 2009, Aury has been gracious enough to create a unique 4th of July heart.  All of them are available on her website, if you follow the link above.  I stitched this using good ol' DMC on some piece of 32 ct. hand dyed fabric.  I remember starting this in 2011 when I took my husband to the ER for the first time.  Subsequently, I ripped out all that I had stitched on it because it was one thread off and I was having such a difficult time with it.  It was the best thing I have ever done!!  I restarted and now it's finished.

After completing the patriotic piece, I moved on to another of my long time WIPs, Prairie Schooler's Sunflower Garden Sampler.  I am on the homestretch on this piece and have just a few more lines to go before it's finished.  My goal is to have it completed by the end of the week.  That will, of course, mean that I will have to limit my computer time. 

Know that I am alive and well.  I will try to be more faithful with posting, but my new job is going to keep me pretty busy, especially as we head into Christmas where I'll be working 50-60 hrs a week.  Hello overtime pay!!  Have a great day everyone and thanks for stopping by my little corner on the web.