Meet Hannah Grace! Hannah's a one year old tabby cat who came to live with us when she was about 6 months old. We got her from Animal Control the Sunday after Thanksgiving, 2005. The day after we brought her home, she got a very nasty upper respiratory infection and stayed in isolation in a spare bedroom for about 5 weeks recovering. She spent the first week of her life with as at the animal hospital, she was so sick. I made daily trips to visit her and love on her. During our visits she mainly slept, but she would also eat for me and she'd drink some water. After she completely recovered, one of the ladies at the vet's office told me she didn't think Hannah would live through the first night she was there. (I'm so glad she didn't tell me that at the time!) Hannah's a fighter and a survivor.
Hannah's also 100% cat! She loves to play with her 'Da Bird toy and begs for us to get it out and play with her all the time. If she had her way, she'd play with it all day long, everyday! She's rough and tumble when she plays, but dainty and prissy the rest of the time. She's also a little purring machine! She loves to be near her humans and enjoys a good snuggle, usually up on my chest like you'd hold a baby. She'll just nap and purr while I hold her. Such a little snuggle-bug! She also likes to sleep with me, but DH doesn't approve of that, so she spends her nights either in her bed or on the couch.
Hannah has absolute trust in us. She's never known fear, abuse, or mistreatment. She is the happiest cat I've ever known, inquisitive and very outgoing. She's a somewhat vocal kitty, purring, meowing, "peep-ing" and trilling. She has lots of different sounds and I'm still learning what they mean.
Hannah is a testament to the healing power of TLC, patience, time spent together hanging out, and trust. Often we want results immediately, but sometimes it just takes time to get well, to get through a situation, or to get over a disappointment. We can take medication to cure illnesses and we can read books to learn how to deal with situations in our lives, but in the end, time and God's TLC is the real key to recovery.
Trusting God to bring us through rocky and difficult times is hard, but so rewarding. It's during those difficult times when we lean on God to take care of us that we develop a real relationship with Him and He develops us into the men & women He needs for us to be to reach a dying world. Sitting in God's lap, listening to His voice, bending our will to His, and just being in His presence all help mold us and shape us into better believers. Let God love on you today and heal your hurts.