Thursday, May 06, 2010

Picture Captions and Other Stuff

Since I can't share of picture of my current stitching project, I'll bore you with pics of my garden and flowers.

Last week, the husband and I planted seeds for our veggie garden. This is an okra seedling. At maturity, okra is a tall plant. Hard to believe it starts out so tiny. This year, we're growing Green Emerald Velvet okra.

We also planted watermelon. These are planted in "hills", 4 per mound. So far, we have a total of 4 sprouts out of the 12 seeds we planted. The husband planted a few more seeds in each hill today. This is Crimson Sweet watermelon.

This is a little watermelon seedling just bursting through the dirt.

We'll be growing cowpeas, or black-eyed peas, this year as well. I'm not sure if these are grown in the north, but they're pretty much a staple down here. This is the first year for these in our garden as well.

We will again be growing bush beans. The plants only get about 2' tall. They start off pretty large as compared to the okra seedlings.

This daylily has 2 bloom scapes on it! Can't wait for it to flower this year!

These are some of the plants I brought home with my from the plant swap last Sunday. I have most of them planted, but there are some still waiting to go in the ground.


Anonymous said...

So, what kinds of plants did you get from your swap?

And we would love to see a picture of your latest stitching!


Mylene said...

I like okra so much and try to eat as much when we are home in Asia. Can't buy it here on the island.

Looks like you are busy in the garden. Hope all the plants grows up well.